Value of properties sold as of February 10th, 2025: $623,196,050

Realtor Commision Calculator

Traditional Real Estate Agents Charge a Commission on the sell price of your home 7% on first $100k/2.5% on Balance (incl buyers agent commissions*).   As a consumer what does that mean to you and how much of your equity do you have to assign to selling of your home?  Please fell Free to use our online Calculator to determine your actual cost versus how much you will save with a Flat Fee REALTOR® If you have any issues please call me at 604-657-1596. 

To Learn how to save more money, click here

Try our interactive fee savings calculator!


With Traditional Agent Our Flat Fee Service
Total Cost
(Incl Tax)!!
Your Savings
Total Cost
(Incl Tax)!!
Sellers Agent - - -
Buyers Agent - -
Total Fee - -
GST - -
Total Fee's you have to pay - -
*Based on buyers commission of 3.22 on first $100k/1.15% on balance ** Traditional Agent total cost is based on: 7% on first $100k/2.5% on Balance (incl buyers agent commissions*) *** ONEFLATFEE total cost is based from $3499 plus buyers agent commissions*



If you would like to find out the value of the property you want to sell, complete the form below.  Once I have all your details I will have a CMA for your review in 48 hours.  If you have any issues please call me at 604-657-1596

Home Evaluation

Package 1

  • List your home on MLS®, Promote on oneflatfee and, Advertise on Internet, Forward title of your property, Free market evaluation, Forward prospective buyers, we work to get you started to succeed !
  • $ 0.00 CAD

Package 2

  • List your home on MLS® Promote on oneflatfee and Advertise on Internet Forward title of your property Create customized Facebook page for your property Free market evaluation Forward prospective buyers *Manage your appointments
  • $ 0.00 CAD

Package 3

List your home on MLS®
Promote on OneFlatFee and
Advertise on Internet
Forward title of your property
Free market evaluation
Forward prospective buyers
*Manage Your Appointments
*Present offers till sold
*Handle Paperwork
*Buying & Selling Consultation
*Manage Property Showings
*Subject Removal
*Legal Coordination Sale Completion

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